Thursday, April 7, 2011
17 Years ago dad and his brother Ross decided to purchase some land and build a cabin together. Many have enjoyed helping out with it and enjoying it. Dad was able to see his final painting hung over the fireplace a week before he passed away.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Funeral Services
A viewing will be held Tuesday, April 5 from 6-8 p.m. at the Walker Mortuary, 587 South 100 West, Payson. Funeral Service will be Wednesday, April 6 at 11:00 a.m., with a viewing 1-hour prior, at the Payson Stake Center, 650 West 800 South.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Roy worked in scouting for many years. If you have scouting pictures that you would like in this video please send it to royvellinga@gmail.com and we will try to get it inserted. Also, please send your scouting stories and experiences with Roy to the same email address.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Today has been mostly quiet and peaceful. Dad is resting, and Anthony is playing the guitar for him. He had a massage today! I am sure he loved that! (because honestly, who wouldn't??) His long-time friend from high school, Clayton, came by to see him today. As Clayton reminisced about their years as friends, dad stabbing his hand showing off for girls, going coyote hunting, eating jack-rabbits, snakes and probably other "food", wrestling, and rolling the truck - again, dad made noises like he was remember those stories to. As Clayton left, he pause and turned back and said "Roy is the purest man I've ever known." I couldn't agree more. Love you dad!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Dad loves music!
Tonight, mom, Anthony, and Bryce and I gathered in dad's room and after brief conversation sang some of dad's favorite hymns to him. It was beautiful to me! And aside from a few pitch issues we may have had, :) I think he rather enjoyed it. Dad has a passion for music. He has taught himself a variety of musical instruments including the guitar, the violin, the recorder, the banjo, the harmonica...and basically just about any instrument he could get his hands on. He loves to sing everything from musicals to hymns to campfire songs. Now I even get made fun of for humming my way through the tasks of each day! Thanks dad for teaching me to love music and to listen to the peace and joy it can bring into life!
Roy's Status
After a 4 year battle with cancer, dad decided in February 2011 to discontinue chemotherapy in hopes of feeling better and enjoying life. Within a couple of weeks he began losing his balance and had difficulty remembering and focusing. The doctors took some scans and found that he had multiple tumors on his brain. The doctors suggested radiation treatments, in hope of shrinking the tumors to help him with his quickly diminishing motor skills, and a better quality of life. However, within a week of meeting with the doctors it was determined the tumors were too far advanced and his health was declining quickly. Each day he has changed, so quickly before our eyes.
Dad sleeps most of the time, his ability to speak is mostly gone. Yesterday he was able to get out of bed, today even that ability is gone. It is but small movements and very soft whisperings that indicate he knows we are in his presence. He is soothed by his love for music. There is peace as you enter his room. It often feels like there are more in his presence than we can see. His great love for family and friends continues to fill his life and his spirit.
Dad sleeps most of the time, his ability to speak is mostly gone. Yesterday he was able to get out of bed, today even that ability is gone. It is but small movements and very soft whisperings that indicate he knows we are in his presence. He is soothed by his love for music. There is peace as you enter his room. It often feels like there are more in his presence than we can see. His great love for family and friends continues to fill his life and his spirit.
Memories Never Lost
If you have videos, photos, stories, or memories that you would like to share please email them to royvellinga@gmail.com
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